Hilt style 4

Price: $24.99
  • SKUShilt4

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Double threaded hilt for Modular Hilt System. Both ends have female threads. Little under 1.5" OD with a overall length of 7".

You can select to have no switch hole or a Standard, Guarded, AV, or Recessed AV switch hole which will be machined 1.5" from the non grooved end. If you would like the hole in a different location then please order it without a switch hole and order the switch hole service instead so you can specify the location.

We can align the switch hole with other parts as long as you specify the order of all the parts and all parts are ordered at the same time including the heat sink.

All MHS parts should have the threads wiped clean and then lightly oiled or greased.We sell some Synthetic Grease for this. Parts that get stuck because no oil/grease was used or that are damaged by the user trying to take them apart will not be warrantied.

We do not recommend using the switch hole near the pommel as the last groove closest to the opposite end is over the inner threading and can break if it is subjected to hard forces.
Average rating 9 out of 10 ( based on 4 reviews )

Best looking hilt

Review by AB on 4/18/2016

Hilt looks great especially with the recessed areas colored in. 4 stars only because the edges are really sharp where the recesses are. Used the edge of an india stone in order to smooth these without scratching the finish on the raised area. Was going to have to scuff the low spots to pain anyway, but the new MHS parts have a nice polish to them that I didn't want to mess up.

Nice hilt

Review by Bruce on 1/1/2016

Well machined, nice smooth threads. It's very comfortable in the hand. It would look really nice paired with a 2 inch extension with the grooves in the middle.


Review by Person on 7/17/2015

Nice and smooth and easy to hold!

First Hilt

Review by Derrick on 4/4/2014

For my first hilt to my first lightsaber I am very please with the machine work! Cant wait to build!

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