Mill cutouts for grip style 1
This service is for cutouts that are all the same length. If you want them custom sized you must contact us on how to order.
Up to 10 grips will fit per standard MHS section before they will overlap on the inside. Please be very specific on the location.
Cannot be done in a area where threads are. This means they must stay at least .7" away from any female threaded end as shown in the pic above.
This service is for cutouts that are all the same length. If you want them custom sized you must contact us on how to order.
Up to 10 grips will fit per standard MHS section before they will overlap on the inside. Please be very specific on the location.
Cannot be done in a area where threads are. This means they must stay at least .7" away from any female threaded end as shown in the pic above.
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