Media blast part to have a dull silver metallic looking finish.
Gives the parts a consistent finish removing minor surface blemishes
Great for changing the look of transparent powder coat colors.
Part on left in product photo has been media blasted.
Fee is per part. If you need 2 parts done it would be $10.
Gives the parts a consistent finish removing minor surface blemishes
Great for changing the look of transparent powder coat colors.
Part on left in product photo has been media blasted.
Fee is per part. If you need 2 parts done it would be $10.
Average rating 8 out of 10
( based on 4
reviews )

Lighter than expected.
The media blasted parts I ordered arrived a very pale frosted grey, almost white. Made an excellent surface for painting however.
Diffuse gray
This service turns a shiny silver-tone aluminum part into a fascinating diffuse gray color. You may want to put a clear lacquer layer over this, as it picks up schmutz like nobody's business.
You won't regret it
For those of you who are trying to go with the classic Old Republic look this is the way to go. Very simplistic metal look (what I imagine durasteel would look like). The fact that minor smudges come and go and that it shows scratches just adds to the overall, realistic fell. It's like showing off really cool scars on your body. Very nice!
Takes a meh part and makes it stand out!
Media blasting will definatly take any saber part and make it stand out, just be aware that your media blasted parts will show dings and such a lot easier then the non blasted parts. I made the mistake of wearing my wedding ring while holding the saber and now ive got a few scrapes in the media blasting on the hilt. No biggie though, kinda gives it that used look.