ML50L or ML50LX (2 or 3 Cell) C-cell Mag-Lite to MHSv1 Converter
Only confirmed to work with the ML50L or ML50LX models but may work on others
Use to easily convert your Mag-Lite into a saber and add an MHSv1 Blade Holder
Maglite is not included and is only shown for display purposes.
Only confirmed to work with the ML50L or ML50LX models but may work on others
Use to easily convert your Mag-Lite into a saber and add an MHSv1 Blade Holder
Maglite is not included and is only shown for display purposes.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Quick Budget Saber
Get this and a MHS v1 blade holder. If you want to do extra, get the C-Cell Maglite MHS Pommel adapter. I bought two of these along with 2 of the C-Cell pommel adapters. They made the ML50LX lights I bought look like slick sabers.