LED/Blade holder with 1.25" OD. These are designed to hold our 1" blades/tubes.
No pre-drilled holes.
Heatsink included.
No pre-drilled holes.
Heatsink included.
2.85" long
1.25" OD
1.25" OD
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 2
reviews )

Excellent option for a Blade Holder
I'm building a Luke/ Vader Shared Stunt Saber from ANGHand this is going to work perfectly for this hilt. The diameter of this blade holder fits inside the standard MHSv1 parts with a 1.25" inner diameter, so for anyone looking to use this as an alternate blade holder for your MHS hilt, this part is super versatile for such a design. I highly recommend it!
Perfect fit.
Not all 1.25" sink tubes are created equal. I had several from different stores. The one I went with fit perfectly. It has good blade depth as well.