Hasbro FX Dooku conversion kit

Price: $22.80
  • SKUDookuConv
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Hasbro Dooku conversion kit.
Blade/LED holder for converting a Hasbro FX Dooku to a luxeon 3w.
LED, lens, and lens holder will need to be ordered seperately.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 2 reviews )


Review by Matt Thorn on 5/6/2011

Just be aware that unless you plan to reuse the Hasbro blade the Dooku comes with, you're going to have to widen the inner diameter of the "bell" so that it can hold a 1" blade. This is easy if you have a lathe, but probably requires a lot of work with sandpaper or a curved file if you don't.

Perfect Fit!

Review by Allen on 1/13/2011

I converted my Dooku seamlessly with the part. Well thought out and perfect fit.

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