WWII 1896 Mauser Broomhandle Replica Pistol - Wood Grips
This non-firing Mauser replica pistol features wood grips with a metal alloy body. The hammer cocks back, rear sight lifts, trigger can be pulled and it releases the hammer. Very realistic look and feel.
Shipping Restrictions:
These will be shipped and sold to US customers only that are 18+. You must send a image of a valid photo ID that verifys you are 18+ and it must match the name and address on the order, no exceptions. Once you place the order send the image to sales@thecustomsabershop.com with your order number in the title.
Some states impose legal restrictions regarding commerce in or ownership of replica firearms. The following shipping restrictions represent company policy and should not be considered legal advice to customers. Specific information regarding shipping restrictions is available on most official state websites or directly through offices of state secretaries or state legislatures.
California & Kansas:
Imitation Firearms, regardless of date, may only be shipped in conjunction with a wall plaque or presentation case. Until we can source a wall plaque or presentation case we cannot ship to these states.
New York City: We cannot ship these to New York City
New Jersey: We cannot ship these to New Jersey

Denix Replica
This Mauser replica has a real nice weighted feel to it. Looks real nice. I look forward to the rest of the parts to finish my DL-44 Han Solo blaster. Thanks Jamdar69