SPST Momentary green ring Illuminated switch
Will work with any box designed to hold 16mm switches and the recessed AV switch hole service. These will NOT work with the AVbezel as the shaft is not long enough to fit the nut on.
There is no internal resistor on these so you need to use the correct resistor in order to not fry the LED. The LED has a forward voltage of 3.3V and runs at 20mA..
Will work with any box designed to hold 16mm switches and the recessed AV switch hole service. These will NOT work with the AVbezel as the shaft is not long enough to fit the nut on.
There is no internal resistor on these so you need to use the correct resistor in order to not fry the LED. The LED has a forward voltage of 3.3V and runs at 20mA..

Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

This is the switch
Just installed it and it is beautiful! I needed this shorter one as my hilts are notoriously 'cram jobs.' I actually used the avbezel with NO Problems - no modifications either. The threads go farther down than the short nickel or brass plated non-illuminated momentary switch even though they all are about the same total length (no screws on this one), so the bezel worked fine. Thanks for stocking these Tim!