12mm Brass Tactile Duo Switch (Non-Lighted) - Not assembled and comes in a kit that includes the components below.
1x Switch Body
1x Switch Actuators
1x Retention Ring
1x Switch PCB
2 x 2mm*0.5mm shim washers. Handle carefully! These are tiny and will get lost easily. Sits in the recessed portion of the Actuators.
Switch Pads
C - Switch Common Ground
S1 - Switch
S2- Switch
Installing this in a non threaded hole? Pick up a 12mm switch nut here> 12mm Nut (thecustomsabershop.com)
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 2
reviews )

Great little switch
Almost lost the tiny spacer shims! Great design!
Very Nice!
Elegant little switch that serves a dual purpose with two momentary tactical switches in one base. I bought this brass non-preassembled one and it was easy, but tiny build. Goes great on the princess hilt for a young lady's saber I'm building. Will also be good on a small Yoda type saber or a curved Count. Did not come with a nut, so order that as well that TCSS just released. One note: this switch is very short, so you won't be able to use a bezel, but you can hardly see the sides on the curve of the tube.