Push on/push off latching switch with red button.
Average rating 8 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Great Switch, Works well
I'm surprised no one has reviewed the red button yet. Anyhow, onto the review: Highly recommended for anyone new to the hobby, its very easy to install and the leads are good quality too. I initially had concerns about the plastic threading stripping or wearing down over time. Out of the three switches I own, there is zero thread wear on any of them. The only problem I have noticed is what others have said- if you brush your hand against the button during a duel, choreograph, or spin trick; It will cause the blade to flicker off, then return to on as your hand is moved. I cannot confirm, but the "Boot" attachment may solve this, or make it less likely for it to happen. Overall, for the price, quality, and ease of installation its a great switch. Will buy again.