700mA BuckPuck LED driver.
We may substitute the 6 wire version for the 4 wire version. Simply do not use the extra 2 wires if they are not needed.
These are used in place of a resistor and are much more efficient.
Min input voltage is 5v.
Max input voltage is 32v.
This 700mA version will provide the correct mA for Luxeon V LED's or any LED requiring 700mA.
The driver can easily power multiple LED's as long as you provide enough voltage.
IE.. you need around 7v for one Lux V, 14V for two Lux V, 21v for three etc..
This is the 4 wire version without the REF and CTL wire leads.
We may substitute the 6 wire version for the 4 wire version. Simply do not use the extra 2 wires if they are not needed.
These are used in place of a resistor and are much more efficient.
Min input voltage is 5v.
Max input voltage is 32v.
This 700mA version will provide the correct mA for Luxeon V LED's or any LED requiring 700mA.
The driver can easily power multiple LED's as long as you provide enough voltage.
IE.. you need around 7v for one Lux V, 14V for two Lux V, 21v for three etc..
This is the 4 wire version without the REF and CTL wire leads.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Good saberstaff install
The install was a snap and it just worked as it was supposed to. It's nice and small and the wires on it are labled for you. I ran 2 Lux 3 R/Os with 8 AAAs and it ran perfectly. I will be ordering more of these for future saberstaffs as well as for single LED sabers that I just want to regulate better than with a resistor.