Dean's Micro wired Sony US18650VTC6 Li-Ion 18650 3.7V 15A High Drain 3120mAh PCB Protected Rechargeable Battery
Assembled by Keeppower
***DO NOT USE LiIon batteries if you don't know the dangers about them and how to handle them. Please check out this resourceful website on handling, charging, storage of LiIon batteries. Use at your own risk***
Dean's Micro wired Sony US18650VTC6 Li-Ion 18650 3.7V 15A High Drain 3120mAh PCB Protected Rechargeable Battery
Assembled by Keeppower
***DO NOT USE LiIon batteries if you don't know the dangers about them and how to handle them. Please check out this resourceful website on handling, charging, storage of LiIon batteries. Use at your own risk***
Average rating 8 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Battery Works
Paired with 3.7V smart charger, item 3.7V1ACHARGER. Battery works as it should but cuts out of charging mode before it is fully charged. Don’t know if its the batteries PCB or if the chargers controller is kicking it out. My battery only ever gets 2/3 of a charge before the green light turns on.