7/8" Pixel Hilt Side Adapter

Price: $4.00
  • SKU78NPC
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7/8" NeoPixel Adapter

These have been updated to work with 7 or 11 pin PCB's

This fits in a 7/8" ID tube and holds the NeoPixel PCB in place.

PCB and Pins not included
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

very good

Review by Nathan on 5/17/2019

i got these for the 11 pin set and they got me covered already on the drilling for the other 4 pins. nice snug fit as well, tho had a bit of a time taking out the pcb after test fitting. it is also sandable if you want one of the sides to have a gap for switch wires to go through (Especially crucial if you want your esb graflex 2.0 front button to be functional)

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