3/4"OD 5/8"ID 1/16" walled Trans White Polycarbonate 40" long. This is considered a thin walled tube.
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 3
reviews )

Elegant and beautiful
I use these to maintain swifter defensive transitions with a multibladed saber, so these are perfect! Great light distribution, but can crack from cement and hand ware faster than any battle. Odd but try not to slam the tip into the hole. Only 1 of my 3 cracked and it was that one. Very effective in combat!
i used this in combat against heavy and thin 1" blades and it is amazing. if you have rapier foil epee experience or simply prefer speed over power this is a must. if your saber accepts 1" blades insert the base of this blade into a short section of 1" thick wall about 2-2.5". definitely ordering a 40" and 2 32" in the future
Way better then a 1" blade!!
I used these blades only!! The 1" can make a saber heavy and clunky!! These will stream line your saber! They look more like a blade and YOU CAN DUAL with this blade at 30" to 35" long. All my sabers hold up in every dual! Both the clear and trans white!! But for PVC saber for sure!!!!!!!!