White shouldered 1" blade tips with reflective disc for 1" thin walled tubes.
These are created using new material that will illuminate way better than the previous white tips.
Extra long shoulder design for thin walled tubes.
When properly installed these tips will not fly off under normal use.
Can withstand much harder direct hits than non shouldered tips.
These are created using new material that will illuminate way better than the previous white tips.
Extra long shoulder design for thin walled tubes.
When properly installed these tips will not fly off under normal use.
Can withstand much harder direct hits than non shouldered tips.
Average rating 8 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

This is a good match for a trans white blade when the saber is off, but when ignited the tip does not light up. Not that this was expected. With a clear type blade tip the colors are mismatched when the blade is off. Still a good product if your in doubt to your preference.