Shouldered 1" thick walled blade tip with reflective disc

Price: $3.50
  • SKUstip1Thick-R
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Shouldered 1" blade tip with reflective disc for 1" thick walled tubes.

These now have a smaller mirror so the tips light up better

Can withstand much harder direct hits than non shouldered tips.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 4 reviews )

Don't forget to glue

Review by Brian on 6/16/2018

Excellent tip. I was too excited for my first build and just did a few test hits with my son with his pre-built blade. The tip flew off and was lost. Ordered two more (just in case). With some glue it has stayed in place.

Good stuff

Review by Michael on 5/8/2018

i used this tip in my own thick walled clear blade and it shines much better than any premade blade i have bought!


Review by Adam on 8/9/2016

Done some pretty good combat with my sabers and I have not had these fly off. With a little gorilla glue, these fit well into the blade tube.


Review by DARTH DRU on 7/5/2011

This is my favorite tip because the thick walled blade is my favorite blade... I'm not a big fan of the bullet tip I'm not a fan of the white tips IMO this is the best tip sold ;)

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