Vintage looking Graflex Red Button Replica Thumbscrew

Price: $16.00
  • SKUVGraflexButton
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Replica Graflex Red Button with a tarnished/vintage look. This 10-32 thumbscrew works nicely as a blade retention screw.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 2 reviews )

Exactly what I needed

Review by Jeffrey on 4/2/2024

I needed a few parts for a Starkiller saber that was less than accurate. This Graflex Red Button Replica Thumbscrew was perfect! Now one step closer to loving my saber. I had to drill out and tap the existing threads to get this to fit but bless you for including the threads 10-32. Saved me the trouble of figuring it out. TCSS ROCKS!!!

Red Eye

Review by Randy on 11/12/2023

Looks very convincing.

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