Bullet shaped tip with shoulder for 1" thick walled blades.
These now have a smaller mirror so the tips light up better
These now have a smaller mirror so the tips light up better
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 4
reviews )

Bullet Tip
A great way to cap your heavy blade tube.
Tip my hat
Awesome replacement for my tip that's now one with the woods. Used some guerrilla glue and boom, problem solved. good price, fast shipping and really bright!
Nice blade tip
I'm glad I didn't go with the rounded tip. This one looks much better. The mirrored surface reflects light well.
Looks Great!
This tip is durable and gives your blade a bit of character over a standard rounded tip. Make sure you use a chemically bonding adhesive to attach it. Superglue will NOT work and could damage your blade.